Sick Orange Glow

With this week’s vivid blue skies, hot sun, and heat advisories I find myself basking in another kind of bright orange glow: (generic) DAYQUIL.

I’m the kind of sick that’s blurry and ache-y with electricity that FEELS like a blur running up and down my body.

I’ve come down with another bug right after just having one in April. After YEARS of not getting a cold or flu. Even years before pandemic I’d not come down with anything.

So is it like a dream come true? Not exactly, but … I’ll take it. It allowed me to reschedule/delay a trip to see my mom on Monday, pushing it away more than a week.

Even better: today was a dark/new moon. Being sick forced me / gave me permission to mostly just BE SICK on a monthly day I’ve intended to use for sleeping for years now and still struggle to actually be at ease or nap.

My wife had a long work shift. The neighborhood was relatively quiet. I wandered around the yard and through the house and back out again just feeling the day heat up. Feeling it be summer.

I laid on the floor and masturbated. I swooned. I ate less than usual.

I worried the neighbors could hear my vibrator(S) with all of us having all our windows open. I reassured myself that maybe it just sounded like a fan. I very janky fan. LIke a bike with playing cards in the spokes going very very fast without moving.